If I Were a Genocidal Nazi, I Probably Would Prefer to Disguise my Worldview as a Religion.

 I find the word "Islamophobe" commonly bantered about by people who don't know what they're talking about.

First of all, "phobe" means to fear. I don't fear Islam but am more inclined to identify myself as a hater of Islam. Hence, the idea behind this erroneous epithet, at least in my case, might be more appropriately dubbed "misitís tou Islam" or a "hater of Islam".
Secondly, popular culture, without any thought, conflates the term "Arab" with "Islam". The naivete of this error is beyond stunning!
Arab is an ethnicity.
Islam is an ideology.
Hence, ignorant know-it-alls tend to presume that a misitis tou Islam (which is the more appropriate epithet) is a hater of Arabs. Such is absolutely NOT the case. A "misitis tou Islam" is a hater of an ideology not an ethnicity!
If I were to categorize myself, I would say that I am a "misitis tou Islam". I believe that Islam is an errant belief system which destroys the soul of its adherent and who's influence has, in the past, as well as the present, reeks havoc on the world and is responsible for the murder of millions. I also hold that Christianity carries with it certain errant doctrines and practices that have historically done the same. The same, however, in my opinion, holds for any religion. Nevertheless, I concede. I am, in particular, a misits tou Islam.
Are you, therefore going to call me a bigot? Would I be less of a bigot if I admitted to the fact that I'm a misitis tou Nazism? You wouldn't catch me voting a Nazi into public office. In fact, I'm sure that you'd understand why. Why would I, therefore, want to vote a Muslim into public office if he is an adherent to orthodox Islam? After all, I find both world views equally dangerous. But the fact that ignorant know-it-alls conflate Islam with ethnicity makes me a bigot in his eyes! Sad to say, all it does is expose ignorant know-it-alls to be what they are, namely, as Vladimir Lenin used to call them: "useful idiots".
How dangerous is it that Islam has been conflated with ethnicity! If I were "the spirit of Nazism, I wouldn't tell the world. I would be craftier than that. Nazism has acquired too evil of a reputation.
Maybe I'd try a different tactic. by hiding my destructive genocidal tendencies under the guise of "religion".


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