You've Been Gas-Lit

Simon Ateba. A journalist, just reported that Liz Cheney endorses Kamala Harris for President.

I’ve notice that other Republicans have either endorsed Kamala or have spoken against Donald Trump.  They include such notables as Adam Kisinger, Mitt Romney, Jim Edgar of Illinois, Bill Weld of Massachusetts, Christine Todd Whitman of New Jersey, former Georgia Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan.  John Giles, former Republican Mayor of Mesa Arizona also supports Harris. (1)

Other GOP Congress members for Harris include Rod Chandler of Washington, Tom Coleman of Missouri, Dave Emery of Maine, Wayne Gilchrest of Maryland, Jim Greenwood of Pennsylvania, John LeBoutillier of New York, Susan Molinari of New York, Jack Quinn of New York, Denver Riggleman of Virginia, Claudine Schneider of Rhode Island, Christopher Shays of Connecticut, Peter Smith of Vermont, Alan Steelman of Texas, David Trott of Michigan, Joe Walsh of Illinois. (2)

Former U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, Former U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood, Former U.S. Treasurer Rosario Marin, Former GOP state chair and state Senator Chris Vance of Washington, Reed Howard of Young Republicans for Harris, Former Republican National Committee (RNC) delegate Rina Shah, and Jennifer Horn, former New Hampshire Republican Party Chair have become prominent members of a movement called “Republicans for Harris”. (3)

Austin Weatherford, the national director of the Republicans for Harris outreach, previously told the Associated Press that Trump's "extremism is toxic to the millions of Republicans who no longer believe the party of Donald Trump represents their values." (4)

I find Mr. Weatherford’s statement interesting. Mr. Weatherford described Trump as extremist and no longer reflecting the values of the Republicans he represents.  In light of that, how does Kamala Harris better reflect the values of these Republicans?  In spite of her efforts to distance herself from the Biden-Harris agenda, she can’t.  Her values have demonstrated a propensity to encourage individuals, even at very early ages, to undergo sex change operations and treatments.  Her administration has encouraged the inclusion of biological males in sporting events intended to have been participated in solely by females.  It seems that Harris is of the opinion that men should even be able to share the same locker rooms and bathrooms with women.  Are these the values of these “Republicans for Harris”?  Are these values less extreme than Trump’s?

The Biden-Harris administration seems to favor the admission of massive immigration into the United States, housing them, seeing to their medical and educational needs at the American taxpayer’s expense.  And it doesn’t seem willing to even vet these individuals to determine if they are or not dangerous to the American people.  Is this the value system that characterizes “Republicans for Harris?”

The Biden-Harris administration seems to want to print more money so that it can allegedly pay (what are frivolous) expenses resulting in inflation that has been and will continue to impoverish the middle class.  Is this a reflection of these “Republicans for Harris”?  Apparently these Republicans don’t regard this excessive spending as “extreme”!

The Biden-Harris Administration put an end to US energy independence under the guise of “Global warming”.  But somebody has to provide oil because the world still needs it and will probably need it for a long time.  Hence, ownership of the oil market went to enemies of the United States, among whom include Russia, the Saudis and Iran.  Is wanting to produce our own energy extreme?  I suppose that’s what the “Republicans for Harris” think?

I’m “pro-life”.  What Donald Trump did by repealing Roe-v. Wade, did not end abortion, however.  What it did was throw the issue back to the individual state legislatures to decide on a state by state level.  I remember, the “Republican”, Paul Ryan, assuming Speakership of the House of Representatives, promising the same thing that Trump succeeded in doing.  Ryan’s promises just fizzled like a lot of hot air bursting a soap bubble.  For some crazy reason, I felt, even back then, that Paul Ryan’s promises were disingenuous. 

The Republicans have gas-lit you.  For decades their party put on an air of Conservativism when all they ever stood for was fluff.  If these Republicans care to “jump ship” and vote for Harris, just remember that it is an indication that they have always been for abortion even after birth, a weaker economy, higher inflation, loss of national sovereignty, and continuous wars such as the ones the Republican, George Bush started in Afghanistan and Iraq and Harris allowed to explode in the Ukraine and the Middle East.  That’s the “new normal”.  These Republicans never were Conservative.  They just made you think they were!  And now, Trump comes along and delivers on what these “Republicans In Name Only” always promised without ever intending to fulfill, and they accuse Trump of being “extreme”.  Sorry!  Men in women’s locker rooms is extreme.  Abortion even after full term is extreme.  Loss of American sovereignty is extreme.  A week dollar is extreme.  But you think that those things are “extreme” because you’ve been gas-lit.  And now, you’re angry because you don’t want to be told that you’re wrong.


2 Ibid

3 Ibid

4 Ibid


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