The Gaslighting of America


One individual, whom I think is president of the Andrew Carnegie fan club, accused me of engaging in gaslighting. To be honest, I was not sure of what gaslighting was, so I had to look it up. Here is what Psychology Today says about it:

Gaslighting is an insidious form of manipulation and psychological control. Victims of gaslighting are deliberately and systematically fed false information that leads them to question what they know to be true, often about themselves. They may end up doubting their memory, their perception, and even theirsanity. Over time, a gaslighter’s manipulations can grow more complex and potent, making it increasingly difficult for the victim to see the truth.

Well, I do not know about me being a gaslighter. I don’t try to manipulate anyone but I do try to persuade using logic and I do believe that where I’m shown to be wrong, I’ll try to change my position to more adequately accommodate the facts if I’m not able to establish a rational rebuttal.

But I do know a gaslighter. It is your government. For a very long time, probably ever since the assassination of President Kennedy, the government has been making people think that Republicans and Democrats were on opposite sides of the political spectrum and yet, “as true rational human beings” they knew how to compromise. I would suggest that they “knew how to compromise” because they really were not as far apart politically as they made the American people to believe. Why else do we see these five individuals, two of which were allegedly on the conservative side of the political spectrum posing for the camera as buddies with three on the alleged liberal side of the political spectrum?

Perhaps this picture was taken before Donald J Trump became President, but if not, why isn’t he in this picture? And if, in fact, Trump had not been President at the time this picture was taken, why is he missing from any post Trump era pictures in which Obama, Bush and Clinton were posing together as good ole’ boys?

One thing that the alleged ”Covid” epidemic taught us (although many people have forgotten) was that 95% of our pharmaceuticals are made abroad, most of which are manufactured in China. Today, almost everything is made by slave labor in China. And those five guys that you see in this picture, plus one not pictured (Joe Biden) has driven up the national debt to 33 trillion dollars.

Kennedy’s successor, Lyndon Baines Johnson, got us into a war in Viet Nam that lasted 20 years and resulted in the deaths of 58,000 sons of US citizens and 254,000 South Vietnamese combatants. And it accomplished absolutely nothing. The guy on the right in the above picture, a Sunday School teacher, from Plaines, Georgia, recognized thecAyatollah Khomeini as a “great man of god.” I wonder what book he was teaching Sunday School from. Jimmy Carter greased the skids for the Ayatollah to come to power and replace the Shah. The Ayatollah showed his appreciation by bombing US marine barracks in Lebanon, killing over 300 American soldiers. Iran has now become our worst enemy, sponsoring terror throughout the world in their effort to establish a world-wide Islamic caliphate. George Bush, the “conservative,” got us into a war in Afghanistan which also lasted 20 years resulting in 2,400 American casualties and the abandonment of multiple billions of dollars’ worth of advanced military hardware, some of which has wound up in the hands of Hamas combatants. He also got us into Iraq under the guise of “getting rid of weapons of mass destruction” only to offer hope to the indigenous people which was dashed to pieces by the terror unleashed on them by ISIS which came to power during the watch of the second guy from the left. He opened the floodgates for Islamic infiltration of Europe and his Vice President who is now, the alleged President, has done the same in the US.

You have been gaslighted. These are not Republicans and Democrats. They are uniparty socialists and you have been fooled into thinking that your votes meant something. These people have gotten us into prolonged, non-winnable wars.

They have sold the futures of your children and grandchildren to a $33T and counting national debt. They have destroyed US energy and manufacturing independence. They have started wars which have resulted in countless deaths and accomplished nothing, and they want you to think that this is normal. And if you think otherwise, you are a “MAGA cult member”. Isn’t that what gaslighting does? It makes you question what your own eyes see and your own ears hear.

Not this writer!


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