Do Muslims Celebrate Ramadan in Selkopp Norway?


May be an image of map and text


Islam can never win this war against Israel and here’s why. I could give a fideistic reason and simply say “our God is bigger than their god”, but I disdain that sort of reasoning (or lack thereof). The following, I would argue, is a more reasoned explanation:

All attention has been drawn to Jerusalem. I’m sure that many are saying “If only that racist, orange man, Donald Trump had not made Jerusalem the capitol of Israel, this conflict would not be going on with the level of ferocity that we’re seeing.”

Yes, Jerusalem is one focal point in this conflict but I’d like to draw your attention to another focal point: Selkopp Norway. I’m sure this may have some of you scratching your heads, but allow me to explain.

As a means of explanation, I need to discuss the fundamental mindset behind this war against Israel. Yes, there is a deep animus on the mind of the purveyors of Islam and the Jewish people. We Jews, knowingly or otherwise, via our survival of history, bear witness to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who, demonstrably, is not the god of Islam. Explaining that point would take me down a rabbit trail not germane to the subject of this essay. Nevertheless, on a more practical level, Islam is a political “religion”. I have argued time and again that geography is, not unlikely, one of the major motivations behind Islamic hostility towards Israel.

As I’ve already stated, Islam is fundamentally political. Its goal is to conquer the world and submit every square inch of it to Islamic law (Sharia) and Islam's god, Allah. In the process of doing this, Islam has divided geography into three categories... Dar al-Islam, Dar al-Harb and Dar al-Amn. Dar al-Islam is that territory which is dominated by Islam. Dar al-Harb is that territory which has not yet been conquered by Islam. In essence, the translation of Dar al-Harb is “house of war”. Finally, Dar al-Amn means “house of safety”. Historically, the latter refers to a territory where a treaty has been made. Also historically, these treaties are eventually broken by adherents of Islam when it is advantageous (because of some weakness in the armor of non-Muslim entities) to further the geographical expansion of Islam.

In light of this background, Israel exists as a non-Muslim entity smack dab in the middle of Dar al-Islam. Such a phenomenon is anathema to the Muslim mind. Like a sliver in one's little finger, as small as it may be, whether because of pain, or just irritation, it must be excised! This is, in a nutshell, the attitude of adherents of Islam towards the existence of Israel. ABSOLUTELY NO NEGOTIATIONS FOR PEACE CAN ALTAR THIS MINDSET."

Now, one of the “five pillars of Islam” is the observance of Ramadan. During the observance of Ramadan, a Muslim must refrain from eating “from dawn to dusk.” That brings us to Selkopp, Norway. During the time in which Muhammad was riding his camel across the Arabian Peninsula (or more likely, around it), people generally thought that the earth was flat. Certainly, Muhammad thought that. But I’m sorry to spread the news to Muhammad and all my Muslim friends. The earth is round.

Selkopp Norway, presumably another geographical location which must necessarily fall under the auspices of Islam, is located north of the arctic circle and that means that during summer in the northern hemisphere, the time between dawn and dusk would be about half a year! No human being could go without eating for that length of time and live. Hence, no practicing Muslim could possibly observe Ramadan in Selkopp Norway. In light of that, it has already been determined to be impossible for Islam to conquer the whole world let alone Israel and Jerusalem.

If any of my Muslim friends would doubt me, perhaps they might consider moving to Selkopp Norway to prove me wrong. May I suggest that the leaders of Hamas lead the way.



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