The Media May be Controlling You More than You Think

 In June of 2004 Jack Ryan, Republican candidate for the United States Senate to represent Illinois, withdrew from the race. Prior to his departure, I recalled seeing an article in the Chicago Tribune reporting on findings from the court mandated unsealed documents from Ryan's divorce proceedings with his wife, Jeri Ryan. The personal documents, now disclosed to the public, revealed that Ryan had attended many strip clubs and brothels throughout the country and abroad. Subsequent to these revelations Ryan dropped out of the race. He was replaced by another Republican and former ambassador, Alan Keyes who, in desperation, sought to block the Democratic nominee from getting to the US Senate.

The Democratic nominee was a man by the name of Barack Obama. History records that Mr. Obama won the Senate seat. Mr. Obama never even completed his first term in the Senate before he was vaulted into the highest office in the land. He had become the first Black President of the United States.
Interestingly, while the media was reporting breathlessly on the dalliances of Jack Ryan, it was silent on the alleged "fun times" Mr. Obama was having. I'd seen a video of Larry Sinclair giving testimony to his Cocaine inflamed tryst with the Senatorial candidate to be. In fact, he'd written a book about it. This article records that Mr. Obama had had at least one other such amorous adventure. From the linked article, it seems that Mr. Sinclair as well as Donald Young, one of Mr. Obama's other apparent paramours was, to coin a phrase, "Clintoned".
It's funny how, when it came to these, "encounters" on the part of Mr. Obama, the media has responded with crickets. Yet it has gone all hog on Mr. Trump's misconduct!
I'm not going to defend Donald Trump's rhetoric and behavior. It's inexcusable. It can't be defended. I'd like to hear at least some sort of mea culpa from him. But, in the meantime, I hear Never-Trumpers screaming to the high heavens about Trump while they are silent about Obama and equally in denial about Joe Biden's involvement in his son, Hunter's influence peddling schemes which literally place the national security of the United States at risk.
I've concluded that much of the cause for this disparity in the attitudes of these Never-Trumpers lies at the feet of the media whose incessant drumbeat keeps magnifying the flaws of Trump while concealing those of Obama and the utter corruption of Biden.
Clearly the media has far more power than it ought. Undoubtedly the heads of the media (which has corporate interests) prefer one agenda over the other and cover the news and the politicians accordingly.
Please take note, if you will. Since Obama's presidency, the national attitude towards homosexuality had gone from "though homosexuality is wrong, certainly people with that bent ought not to be ridiculed", to "if you express an opinion that homosexuality is wrong, you're a bigot and a 'homophobe'" Since Obama's presidency, homosexuality has become normative to the point where the issue of "transgender" athletes competing in women's sports is a matter for debate when it never even should have been considered. It's utterly idiotic! Furthermore, prepubescent children, who know nothing about sex, are being given hormone therapy and sex-change operations. This is beyond abominable! I do not think it far-fetched to believe that in 1933 Germany it what deemed acceptable for Joseph Mengele to experiment on Jews. After all, he had an MD after his name!
Glory Glory! Obama lit up the White House in rainbow colors after the Supreme Court legalized same sex marriage! Is that what the American people wanted? I'll leave that up to you. But now, a phenomenon brewing in America has come to the fore. While the Constitution may have denied the minority of rights, the Bill of Rights was inserted to enable the minority to express its opinions without fear of reprisal. Today, however, the minority has come to rule over the majority with government sanctioned reprisal. I site, for example, baker's being sued for their unwillingness to bake a "gay" wedding cake as such an activity runs counter to the demands of their consciences, people being fired for their misuse of pronouns and parents being surveilled after expressing concern about boys who think they're girls going into girls bathrooms or the sex-education curriculum in their children's schools.
And now, the all-time trust-worthy Disney, has come out with a gay promoting agenda so as to insert subtle suggestions promoting sexual aberration to prepubescents into their opuses of entertainment. Parents can no longer trust Disney for its contents. They have to be continually on guard.
The zeitgeist of the United States has changed considerably between 2008 and the present. And don't tell me that Joe Biden is anything more than a President in Name Only (PINO)! I would hold that the man in charge is really "the man behind the curtain", Barack Obama. And if it isn't Barack Obama, it is certainly whatever individuals have been put in place by those who control the media and managed to get Barack Obama into office in the first place.
Beware. Your opinions may just be in the process of being manipulated.,accident.%20It%20was%20apparently%20a%20hit%20and%20run


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