Let's Call Racists "Racists", Anti-Semites "Anti-Semites" and Avoid Looking Inward
There is a very large elephant in the room but it is either racist or anti-Semitic to acknowledge it. I don’t believe that that elephant existed (or at least was very large) at the time of Martin Luther King. The black family was still largely intact. His enemy was rampant racism from outside the black community. He was justified and, dare I say, effective, in confronting that issue. And a lot of progress has been made in the area of racism. How else could the United States have elected a black President of the United States? How else could there have been a veritable plethora of black Congresspersons and Senators as well as two black justices of the Supreme Court?
Nevertheless, the Black Community still has its woes. It is an understatement to describe its problems as such because those woes are tragic. Black on black violence is considerably more rampant than white on white violence percentage wise and whereas the trend of the former is more likely to be gang related, the latter is more likely to be initiated by domestic problems.
Little attention, however, is given to the source of the problems within the black community, but is being successfully deflected onto the white populous via the use of the epithet “white-racism”. It’s rather easy to do that because, understandably, and undeniably, blacks suffered greatly under the yoke of slavery and later, under Jim Crow laws.
One black murdered by the police is one too many, however compared to the number of blacks murdered by other blacks, the number is a mere pittance. Society’s narrative, of “police brutality” has also served as an effective deflection of the problems facing the black community and sadly, the important issue is not being addressed. Rather, there is a growing justification for behavior that instigates police brutality and subsequent demonization of the police. From Rodney King to George Floyd and beyond, resisting arrest, doing drugs, disrespect for law enforcement is “not that bad” in fact, it’s ignored. The problem is irrefutably and totally that of “police brutality”. We need not concern ourselves with broken homes or poor choice of role models or welfare programs or poor schools and lack of school choice to name a few issues which aim at the root of the problem within the black community.
I think that the Jewish community may have had more success at deflecting its problems than the black community, although, it may be a tossup. How has the Jewish community produced the likes of Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein, who, in spite of, or more perhaps, in light of their perversions amassed large amounts of wealth? The Jewish community has more quickly than blacks reached the pinnacle of success, seating many Jews to the Supreme Court as well as members of Congress and the Senate. There is very little “Jew on Jew” crime. Yet, I allow you to be among the first to label me as an anti-Semite when I say that Jews have been at the vanguard of perverting the mores of our society from the promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism to the imposition of Socialistic thinking into manner of governance.
But, you see, Jews have an excuse, too. No one people group has suffered as monumentally as the Jews. Throughout European history Jews have suffered at the hands of Gentiles. Jews were the victims of mass murders because they were blamed for the massive deaths in Europe during the time of the black plague. Jews were blamed for the “killing of Christ” (not to say that “Christ” Himself, as well as the writers of the New Testament, were Jews). And most recently 6 million Jews were exterminated in Nazi concentration camps. And Jews are presently being blamed for oppression of Palestinians when it’s really Palestinians who are oppressing Palestinians. So, it’s easy for Jews to simply deflect their woes on those “anti-Semites” without ever considering looking inward and evaluating the rightness or wrongness of their causes.
So, as I type away, I see four groups of people: blacks who deflect their problems onto racists, Jews who deflect their problems onto anti-Semites, Palestinians who deflect their problems onto Jews and racists/anti-Semites who deflect their problems onto blacks and Jews.
Just maybe all of us need to look inward and admit that all (including ourselves) have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Just maybe all of us need to stop blaming the other guy, admit our own depravity, and allow Jesus to heal us. Maybe we need to stop listening to the news which pits us against one another and start listening to the Bible which shows us where we are pitted against God and, because we’re destined to lose that battle, change and become His ally.
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