An Open Letter to the Honorable Andrew Cuomo


November 16, 2020

To the honorable Andrew Cuomo, Governor of the Sovereign State of New York:

There’s a rumor going about that certain extremely wealthy individuals are conspiring to set up a world-wide oligarchy and that they intend to enslave individuals by injecting them with markers under the guise of being a vaccine.  Allegedly the markers in this vaccine can trace people to their specific locations in real time.

Part of the means of accomplishing this task in distributing this vaccine is to establish a need for it.  The more fear that can be allegedly alleviated by this vaccine, the greater the demand for it.  Of late, an apparent virus seems to have infected the world’s population creating havoc, financial chaos and deaths primarily among the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions.  I don’t know what administrative difficulties you may or may not have had to deal with, but nevertheless, from all appearances you authorized actions which resulted in the insertion of this virus into nursing home populations resulting in a disproportionate number of deaths in your State of New York.

Logically speaking, one can deduce that the more deaths resulting from this alleged virus, the greater and more widespread the fear that can be created resulting in an increased demand for the use of this so-called vaccine so that people can get back to some semblance of normalcy in their lives.

Recently President Trump announced that Pfizer had come up with a vaccine and that wide-spread distribution would be available very soon.  You responded by declaring that you wouldn’t distribute the vaccine in New York.

All of this arouses certain questions on my part. 

Are you waiting for the vaccine with the marker to be available so that you can determine that to be the “reliable one” you are willing distribute?

Did you intentionally increase the deaths of people in your state so as to increase fear in the overall population, thus creating a greater demand for a vaccine?  I haven’t seen every public appearance you’ve made but I do recall one you made with your brother on CNN where the two of you were discussing irrelevant issues and when the subject of Covid deaths came up, the two of you seemed glib rather about it.  I don’t know you personally but I do know enough history to know that genocidal tendencies are not out of reach of any political figure and, like it or not, you do happen to be one.

I hear that Zeke Emmanuel, a known advocate of Eugenics, who believes that people shouldn’t live over the age of 75, is slated to be Joe Biden’s Surgeon General.  I know that Joe Biden is your political ally.  So, are you too an advocate of Eugenics?

I’m a Jewish boy who grew up on the North Side of Chicago, so I’m acutely aware of the holocaust and the atrocities of Hitler.  Possibly as a result of that I’m also sensitive to the atrocities committed in China, Russia, Rwanda, Cambodia and, more recently in Iraq under the auspices of ISIS whom another political ally of yours called “a JV team”.

A mantra coming from the left and the media has been that “Donald Trump is Hitler Incarnate.”  In light of what I’ve presented in this letter, how is it that it is not he but you and your allies who are the ones who are Hitlerian in nature?

And so I ask, what is it that you can do to allay my concerns?

I suppose you can relegate me to being a “conspiratorial nut job”.  But that doesn’t help.  That would fall under Saul Alinsky’s rule number 5: “Ridicule is your most potent weapon”.  To ridicule me would only confirm that indeed, it is you and your "cabal" which are the one’s who are genocidal.  Nor can you simply dismiss the questions I’ve asked.  That too would confirm an affirmative answer to my questions.  And I assure you, I'm not the only one who harbors such questions.  These questions are common to tens of millions of Americans.

In the hopes that you can successfully allay my concerns, I sincerely wish you well,

Benyomin Ellegant


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