
Showing posts from November, 2020

Is This Video Taken Out of Context or Not? I Can't Trust

I saw this video and asked myself the question "Has this been taken out of context?" If you scroll down to look at the comments responding to the linked video, absolutely everyone of them agree that Biden meant exactly what he says in the video. Furthermore, among the responses to the statements, there were myriad affirmatives (thumbs up) and not even one negative response (thumbs down) to the statements. I looked to see what " " had to say on the subject. The headline of their article read: "Viral Posts Take Biden Quote on Voter Fraud Out of Context" I remember a quote that Mr. Biden had repeatedly taken out of context. The quote was that Mr. Trump had said 'there were very nice people on both sides' in reference to a fatal, apparently racially charged, debacle in Charlottesville, NC. By so doing, Biden was implying that Trump wa

An Open Letter to the Honorable Andrew Cuomo

  November 16, 2020 To the honorable Andrew Cuomo, Governor of the Sovereign State of New York: There’s a rumor going about that certain extremely wealthy individuals are conspiring to set up a world-wide oligarchy and that they intend to enslave individuals by injecting them with markers under the guise of being a vaccine.   Allegedly the markers in this vaccine can trace people to their specific locations in real time. Part of the means of accomplishing this task in distributing this vaccine is to establish a need for it.   The more fear that can be allegedly alleviated by this vaccine, the greater the demand for it.   Of late, an apparent virus seems to have infected the world’s population creating havoc, financial chaos and deaths primarily among the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions.   I don’t know what administrative difficulties you may or may not have had to deal with, but nevertheless, from all appearances you authorized actions which resulted in the insert

First Kings Chapter 1 and the Presidential Election

  I believe that there is absolutely nothing that God cannot do.   Some people might argue “but God cannot sin.”   Whether that argument is a truism or not is a matter of debate over which, doubtlessly piles of books have been written and would take me down a rabbit trail which is irrelevant to this essay. Whether it’s my own sin, or simply the way God designed me, I prefer to get all the meat and potatoes that I need directly from the Word of God rather than hearing it second hand from an expositor.   Likewise, I believe in the Gifts of the Spirit but shy away from Charismatic environments because I tend to believe that much of what goes on there is culturally driven and inauthentic.   Hence, if you know me, you’ll not see me engaging in ecstatic utterances and attending non-charismatic churches.   That said, I still hold that there is absolutely nothing that God cannot do and that includes letting a man (or woman) speak in tongues if He wants him or her to do so. Hence, I spend l

"President Elect Biden" and the Brainwashing of the Public

  The American people have been and are being brainwashed. All over the news Joe Biden is being called "President Elect Biden." That phrase is resounding throughout the news reports like a cacophony of a mantra. Some day soon, after all the votes are tallied and all of the litigation is over with, Biden may, very well be the "President Elect." But HE IS NOT THE PRESIDENT ELECT, and those who report the news should know that for a fact It's their responsibility to know that for a fact! However, they are either ignorant or, more likely, purposely dismissive of that truism. Obviously, barring the earth being hit by some catastrophic meteor or some other literally earth shattering event, I see only two rather obvious scenarios for the future: Biden wins and Trump loses or Trump wins and Biden loses. Assuming that, in the end, all the tallying is legitimately corrected and certified, and all the litigation is resolved, what happens under each scenario? If Trump