Let's Call Racists "Racists", Anti-Semites "Anti-Semites" and Avoid Looking Inward
There is a very large elephant in the room but it is either racist or anti-Semitic to acknowledge it. I don’t believe that that elephant existed (or at least was very large) at the time of Martin Luther King. The black family was still largely intact. His enemy was rampant racism from outside the black community. He was justified and, dare I say, effective, in confronting that issue. And a lot of progress has been made in the area of racism. How else could the United States have elected a black President of the United States? How else could there have been a veritable plethora of black Congresspersons and Senators as well as two black justices of the Supreme Court? Nevertheless, the Black Community still has its woes. It is an understatement to describe its problems as such because those woes are tragic. Black on black violence is considerably more rampant than white on white violence percentage wise and whereas t...