
Showing posts from October, 2020

Do Democrats Care More About their Power than Human Life?

  During their respective debates, both Democratic candidates accused the Trump administration of failure in dealing with the covid crisis. They pointed to the 200,000 Americans who died because of it. Why would the cynic in me ask "Ms. Harris, Mr. Biden, Would you have been happier if 300,000 or 400,000 had died? WOW perhaps you really could have gotten your point across if over 1,000,000 had died! The more dead Americans, the stronger the political points you could have made." While New York was contributing more to the US death toll than any other state, the Governor was being tossed beach balls by his brother Chris on CNN joking about the former's love life and presenting a vastly oversized cotton swab pretending it was used for sticking up someone's nose as a test for covid. The left had already determined Judge Cavanaugh guilty of rape without any evidence. What should deter me from at least wondering if Cuomo, Biden, Harris and their ilk care more about the

Joe Biden's Response at the First Presidential Debate Shows that He Is Responsible for the Riots in US Cities

   During the "debate", Joe Biden, in reference to the riot in Charlottesville, quoted Donald Trump as saying "they're very fine folks on both sides" intentionally implying that Trump was saying that KKK members and Nazis are 'very fine people." Mr. Biden is either ignorant or maleficent. For the sake of the country and the world, for that matter, I hope it's the former but I'm more inclined to believe it's the latter. As a friend of mine used to say about some people "he may be crazy but he's not stupid." To put President Trump's quote in context, people were gathering in Charlottesville to demonstrate support for or opposition to the removing of a statue of Robert E. Lee. Mr. Trump commented that there were "good people" on either side of the debate. Interjecting themselves into the demonstrations were apparently Neo Nazis and representatives of Antifa, two extremist groups. The media and apparently Mr Biden